246. Critical Thinking Applied: What Critical Thinking ISN'T!

Season #1 Episode #246

The phrase 'Critical Thinking' has become a popular buzzword lately...for good reason (we need more of it in culture!). But, not everyone goes about it the same way or for the right reasons. So, what SHOULD be the end goal of critical thinking?

When you can recognize the foolishness, you won't get fooled by it!

Want to test yourself on how well you can recognize fallacies in real life? Take the Meme Fallacy Quiz! www.filteritthroughabraincell.com/quiz

Learn more about Crazy Thinkers: www.filteritthroughabraincell.com/crazy

Here's how you can purchase the Logical Fallacies ebook:    https://www.filteritthroughabraincell.com/offers/z6xbAcB2

Send me any questions, comments or even the fallacies you're seeing around you!  [email protected]

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