Filter It Through a Brain Cell

Filter It Through a Brain Cell

Hosted by: Kathy Gibbens

NOTE: While you're certainly welcome to listen to this podcast in any order, I recommend listening in sequential order starting with Episode 1. I think you'll get more out of it that way! Critical thinking is the...


109. The 3 Laws of Logic, pt 3: The Law of the Excluded Middle

Season #1 Episode #109

I'm going to give you a quick intro to formal logic by teaching you the 3 Laws of Logic. In part 3, you'll learn about the Law of the Excluded Middle and why it matters. When you can recognize the foolishness, you...
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110. The 'I'm Entitled to my own Opinion' Fallacy

Season #1 Episode #110

Certainly, everyone is allowed to have their own opinions, but what about when it comes to facts? Can we have opinions about facts? When you can recognize the foolishness, you won't get fooled by it! Learn more about...
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111. The Appeal to Privacy Fallacy

Season #1 Episode #111

While we're all entitled to privacy in our lives, what about when it comes to things that affect other people? When you can recognize the foolishness, you won't get fooled by it! Learn more about Crazy...
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112. The 'If By Whiskey' Fallacy

Season #1 Episode #112

Ever heard someone argue for both sides of an issue? There's a name for that! This one is just plain funny and you've got to listen to this episode to appreciate it! When you can recognize the foolishness, you won't...
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113. The Ad Hoc Fallacy

Season #1 Episode #113

Ever hear someone start making things up when they feel like they're losing an argument? There's a name for that! When you can recognize the foolishness, you won't get fooled by it! Learn more about Crazy...
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114. The Oversimplified Cause Fallacy

Season #1 Episode #114

Sometimes, people will try to say there's one main cause to a very complicated issue...but is that really true? Often, complicated issues have many causes! When you can recognize the foolishness, you won't get fooled...
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115. The 'Two Wrongs Make a Right' Fallacy

Season #1 Episode #115

I know you've heard the phrase: 'Two wrongs don't make a right!' Did you know there are people who believe two wrongs do make a right, and that they're justified in doing so? When you can recognize the foolishness,...
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116. The Snow Job Fallacy

Season #1 Episode #116

Distractions & diversions help cover up for the fact that someone can't actually back up their argument! When you can recognize the foolishness, you won't get fooled by it! Learn more about Crazy...
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117. What to do when someone uses a fallacy in a conversation

Season #1 Episode #117

What should you do when you're in a conversation with someone and they commit a logical fallacy? Here are 3 options, along with some foundational principles to help you address it. When you can recognize the...
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118. The Appeal to Common Belief Fallacy

Season #1 Episode #118

Just because 'everyone' seems to believe something doesn't make it true! When you can recognize the foolishness, you won't get fooled by it!   Learn more about Crazy...
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119. The Rationalization Fallacy

Season #1 Episode #119

Sometimes, the reason someone gives you first isn't the REAL reason behind their belief or action. They may be trying to make you or themselves feel better about it! When you can recognize the foolishness, you won't...
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120. The Accident Fallacy

Season #1 Episode #120

General rules usually apply to the situations we face in life...but be sure you don't ignore the exceptions! When you can recognize the foolishness, you won't get fooled by it!   Learn more about Crazy...
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