Filter It Through a Brain Cell

Filter It Through a Brain Cell

Hosted by: Kathy Gibbens

NOTE: While you're certainly welcome to listen to this podcast in any order, I recommend listening in sequential order starting with Episode 1. I think you'll get more out of it that way! Critical thinking is the...


181. The link between marketing and human psychology

Season #1 Episode #181

Did you know that so much of Marketing is based on Human Psychology? I'll give you 5 tactics that marketers use to try to get you to buy! When you can recognize the foolishness, you won't get fooled by it!  Learn more...
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182. The Appeal to Extremes Fallacy

Season #1 Episode #182

Just because you CAN make something seem utterly ridiculous doesn't always mean it is! When you can recognize the foolishness, you won't get fooled by it!  Learn more about Crazy...
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183. Adding Qualifiers - Propaganda Tactic Miniseries #1

Season #1 Episode #183

These little words & phrases create just enough uncertainty that the person saying them can get away with saying things that may not be true. When you can recognize the foolishness, you won't get fooled by...
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184. Muddy the Waters - Propaganda Tactics Miniseries #2

Season #1 Episode #184

When someone purposely makes things confusing & unclear, it can make them uncertain & confused. Don't let someone do it to you on purpose! When you can recognize the foolishness, you won't get fooled by...
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185. Minimization - Propaganda Tactics Miniseries #3

Season #1 Episode #185

When someone wants to take attention away from a big issue, they'll often attempt to make it seem smaller than it really is. When you can recognize the foolishness, you won't get fooled by it!  Learn more about Crazy...
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186. Projection - Propaganda Tactics Miniseries #4

Season #1 Episode #186

When someone tries to make it seem like you did the thing they actually did! When you can recognize the foolishness, you won't get fooled by it!  Learn more about Crazy...
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187. Dog Whistle - Propaganda Tactics Miniseries #5

Season #1 Episode #187

Are there really messages that only certain people can hear? When you can recognize the foolishness, you won't get fooled by it!  Learn more about Crazy Thinkers: Here's how you...
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188. FUD & FOMO - Propaganda Tactics Miniseries #6

Season #1 Episode #188

These two tactics are two sides of the same coin...don't fall for it! When you can recognize the foolishness, you won't get fooled by it!  Learn more about Crazy...
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189. Scapegoating - Propaganda Tactics Miniseries #7

Season #1 Episode #189

Did you know some people blame an innocent person on purpose? When you can recognize the foolishness, you won't get fooled by it!  Learn more about Crazy Thinkers: Here's how...
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190. Dysphemism & Euphemism- Propaganda Tactics Miniseries #8

Season #1 Episode #190

Words matter & sometimes people use specific words to make something seem better or worse than it actually is. When you can recognize the foolishness, you won't get fooled by it!  Learn more about Crazy...
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191. Fault as Virtue - Propaganda Tactics Miniseries #9

Season #1 Episode #191

Have you ever had someone try to convince you that a character flaw is actually a good thing? Don't fall for it. When you can recognize the foolishness, you won't get fooled by it!  Learn more about Crazy...
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192. Hyperbole - Propaganda Tactics Miniseries #10

Season #1 Episode #192

Figures of speech are a normal part of our daily speech, and we typically don't take them literally...but sometimes people WANT you to take them literally. When you can recognize the foolishness, you won't get fooled...
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