Filter It Through a Brain Cell

Filter It Through a Brain Cell

Hosted by: Kathy Gibbens

NOTE: While you're certainly welcome to listen to this podcast in any order, I recommend listening in sequential order starting with Episode 1. I think you'll get more out of it that way! Critical thinking is the...


205. Survivorship Bias: Statistical Fallacies Miniseries #6

Season #1 Episode #205

People use numbers to convince, persuade, and even sometimes to manipulate or fool others. This mini-series will help you recognize them! When you can recognize the foolishness, you won't get fooled by it!  Want to...
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206. Regression to the Mean : Statistical Fallacies Miniseries #7

Season #1 Episode #206

People use numbers to convince, persuade, and even sometimes to manipulate or fool others. This mini-series will help you recognize them! When you can recognize the foolishness, you won't get fooled by it!  Want to...
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207. Self-Selection Bias: Statistical Fallacy Miniseries #8

Season #1 Episode #207

People use numbers to convince, persuade, and even sometimes to manipulate or fool others. This mini-series will help you recognize them! When you can recognize the foolishness, you won't get fooled by it!  Want to...
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208. Data Dredging: Statistical Fallacy Miniseries #9

Season #1 Episode #208

People use numbers to convince, persuade, and even sometimes to manipulate or fool others. This mini-series will help you recognize them! When you can recognize the foolishness, you won't get fooled by it!  Want to...
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209. Can you name this fallacy?

Season #1 Episode #209

Let's have some fun! A listener sent in an ad she heard recently...can you figure out the fallacy in it? When you can recognize the foolishness, you won't get fooled by it!  Want to test yourself on how well you can...
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210. The Ludic Fallacy

Season #1 Episode #210

Probabilities may work in games, but do they translate to real life? When you can recognize the foolishness, you won't get fooled by it!  Want to test yourself on how well you can recognize fallacies in real...
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211. The McNamara Fallacy

Season #1 Episode #211

Stats are the most important thing when making a decision...right?!? When you can recognize the foolishness, you won't get fooled by it!  Want to test yourself on how well you can recognize fallacies in real...
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212. The Incomplete Comparison Fallacy

Season #1 Episode #212

"This podcast is 30% more interesting!" Hmm...did I leave something out there? When you can recognize the foolishness, you won't get fooled by it!  Want to test yourself on how well you can recognize fallacies in real...
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213. The Begging the Question Fallacy

Season #1 Episode #213

What happens when someone bases their argument on a conclusion? Confusion! When you can recognize the foolishness, you won't get fooled by it!  Want to test yourself on how well you can recognize fallacies in real...
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214. The Pragmatic Fallacy

Season #1 Episode #214

If it 'worked' for me, it must be true...right?! When you can recognize the foolishness, you won't get fooled by it!  Want to test yourself on how well you can recognize fallacies in real life? Take the Meme Fallacy...
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215. The Appeal to the Law Fallacy

Season #1 Episode #215

If something is legal, that must mean it's RIGHT...or does it?? When you can recognize the foolishness, you won't get fooled by it!  Want to test yourself on how well you can recognize fallacies in real life? Take the...
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216. Failure to Elucidate

Season #1 Episode #216

Sometimes the explanation is more confusing than the question! When you can recognize the foolishness, you won't get fooled by it!  Want to test yourself on how well you can recognize fallacies in real life? Take the...
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