Filter It Through a Brain Cell

Filter It Through a Brain Cell

Hosted by: Kathy Gibbens

NOTE: While you're certainly welcome to listen to this podcast in any order, I recommend listening in sequential order starting with Episode 1. I think you'll get more out of it that way! Critical thinking is the...


73. 4 Simple Tools for Brain Surgery: Part 4

Season #1 Episode #73

In this 4-part series, I'm giving you 4 tools you can use to help other people begin to start filtering their ideas through a brain cell! To learn more about TeenPact: To learn more about Bill Jack...
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74. How to have a conversation with someone who believes differently than you: with my 15-year old daughter, Lena

Season #1 Episode #74

I have the most special guest today, my 15-year old daughter, Lena! Lena is going to share how she's used the 4 Simple Tools for Brain Surgery in real-life conversations to have a discussion with someone who believes...
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75. The Appeal to Ridicule Fallacy

Season #1 Episode #75

Just because someone makes fun of an idea doesn't mean it's a bad idea or that it's not true! When you can recognize the foolishness, you won't get fooled by it! Learn more about Crazy...
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76. The Alphabet Soup Fallacy

Season #1 Episode #76

Ever had someone use a bunch of acronyms or abbreviations to make themselves seem more knowledgeable? Yeah, not cool! When you can recognize the foolishness, you won't get fooled by it! Learn more about Crazy...
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77. The Furtive Fallacy

Season #1 Episode #77

Ever meet someone who is suspicious of everyone? Or who thinks that some person in leadership is making harmful, secretive decisions? Well, today's episode may explain why. When you can recognize the foolishness, you...
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78. The Non Sequitur Fallacy

Season #1 Episode #78

Ever met someone who reasons like a 4-year-old? Lol - it's funny, but makes little sense. When you can recognize the foolishness, you won't get fooled by it! Learn more about Crazy...
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79. The Historian’s Fallacy

Season #1 Episode #79

When we look back on the actions people have taken in the past, we have to be careful about judging them based on what we know now. When you can recognize the foolishness, you won't get fooled by it! Learn more about...
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80. The Fallacy of Presentism

Season #1 Episode #80

This fallacy is very similar to The Historian's Fallacy, with one small exception... When you can recognize the foolishness, you won't get fooled by it! Learn more about Crazy...
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81. The Fallacy of Misleading Vividness

Season #1 Episode #81

Vivid & dramatic images make a huge impression on us...and sometimes convince us that something is true even when the evidence says otherwise! When you can recognize the foolishness, you won't get fooled by...
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82. The Psychologist’s Fallacy

Season #1 Episode #82

There's a good reason we're not mind-readers: we're not good at it! And our assumptions of what someone else is thinking & how they perceive situations is often incorrect. When you can recognize the foolishness,...
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83. The Relativist Fallacy

Season #1 Episode #83

This fallacy is being shouted from the roof-tops these days: "Even if it's not true for you, it's true for me!" Oof. This whole argument is based on the concept of relative truth. When you can recognize the...
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85. The Victim Fallacy

Season #1 Episode #84

Ever heard the phrase, "Playing the victim?" It comes from this fallacy. When you can recognize the foolishness, you won't get fooled by it! Learn more about Crazy...
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