Filter It Through a Brain Cell

Filter It Through a Brain Cell

Hosted by: Kathy Gibbens

NOTE: While you're certainly welcome to listen to this podcast in any order, I recommend listening in sequential order starting with Episode 1. I think you'll get more out of it that way! Critical thinking is the...


97. The Fallacy of Ambiguity

Season #1 Episode #97

When someone commits this fallacy, it's like eating a giant nothing-burger of words...don't fall for it! When you can recognize the foolishness, you won't get fooled by it! Learn more about Crazy...
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98. The Glittering Generalities Fallacy

Season #1 Episode #98

Without a doubt, you've seen this subtle method of getting you to feel a certain way about something or someone and not even realized it. Well, now you will! When you can recognize the foolishness, you won't get...
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99. The Transfer Fallacy

Season #1 Episode #99

Ever heard of the term guilty of association? Well, this is propaganda technique creates association in interesting ways, too! When you can recognize the foolishness, you won't get fooled by it! Learn more about Crazy...
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100. Artificial Intelligence & Losing our Ability to Think + Celebrating 100 Episodes!

Season #1 Episode #100

Ready or not, Artificial Intelligence is here to stay...and take over. What effect will that have on our ability to think? Also, this is Episode 100! WooHoo! Let's celebrate! When you can recognize the foolishness,...
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101. The Big Lie Fallacy

Season #1 Episode #101

If you tell a lie loud enough and long enough, pretty soon people will start to believe it. When you can recognize the foolishness, you won't get fooled by it! Learn more about Crazy...
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102. The Testimonial Fallacy

Season #1 Episode #102

When someone gives a glowing review of something, that means it has to be good...right?! When you can recognize the foolishness, you won't get fooled by it! Learn more about Crazy...
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103. The Plain Folks Fallacy

Season #1 Episode #103

The ordinary, everyday folks are way more trustworthy than celebrities...right??? When you can recognize the foolishness, you won't get fooled by it! Learn more about Crazy...
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104. The Card Stacking Fallacy

Season #1 Episode #104

Sometimes, people only want you to see the 'highlight reel' so they tend to downplay any negatives...that doesn't mean the negatives aren't there! When you can recognize the foolishness, you won't get fooled by...
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105. 3 Steps to Crazy Good Thinking

Season #1 Episode #105

It's not enough to just hear about Fallacies... you have to go from knowing 'about' them to being able to use them and develop Crazy Good Thinking! When you can recognize the foolishness, you won't get fooled by...
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106. The Demonic Justification Fallacy

Season #1 Episode #106

When we see someone or something as being the 'bad guy' or being evil, it's easier to justify taking action against them. But is that always right? When you can recognize the foolishness, you won't get fooled by...
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107. The 3 Laws of Logic, pt 1: Law of Identity

Season #1 Episode #107

I'm going to give you a quick intro to formal logic by teaching you the 3 Laws of Logic. In part 1, you'll learn about the Law of Identity and why it matters. When you can recognize the foolishness, you won't get...
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108. The 3 Laws of Logic, pt 2: Law of Non-Contradiction

Season #1 Episode #108

I'm going to give you a quick intro to formal logic by teaching you the 3 Laws of Logic. In part 2, you'll learn about the Law of Non-Contradiction and why it matters. When you can recognize the foolishness, you won't...
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